Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Karen's 30th Birthday at the River

September 25-27, 2009
We went to Parker Dam, Arizona better known as the "River" to celebrate Karen's 30th birthday and had an awesome time!  Athough the temperatures were high, there was a nice breeze and we spent most of the time on the speed boat cruzing through the river and jumping in.  Happy Birthday again Karen!

Kyla, Anne Marie, Karen, Krystal, and Brooklyn

Mike and Kyle doing flips off the boat

Mike and Chris

Parker Dam, Arizona

Mike jumping off the cliff

Anne Marie, Brooklyn, and Shana

Anne Marie with Teegan and Karen

Angela, Karen, and Anne Marie

Sunset view

Click here for more River pictures

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Chargers vs. Ravens Game

September 20 2009 

My boss gave me 4 field tickets to the Chargers v. Ravens game on Sunday so I took Mike, Scoopes and Kimo with me. It was such a fun game to be at with the stadium full of lots of energy. Unfortunately, the Chargers didn't win, but we still had a great time! Go Chargers!

We stopped at Robeks before the game

Birthday Parrrty!

September 19, 2009
We were invited to Sam's Surprise 30th Birthday Party at the Pearl Hotel and had a fun time, Happy Birthday Sam!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


September 15, 2009
My husband is so wonderful... he surprised me last night with my favorite flowers, orchids - just because! He also bought groceries for dinner and prepared chicken wings, crawfish, and corn just in time for some football!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Celebrating the Memory of Grandma Mame

We flew out to Massachusetts on Thursday, September 9th to attend the memorial services for Mike's Grandma Mame. The services were beautiful and we had the memorial reception at the "Delaney House" where the families were able to get together and catch up. It's always hard letting go of the ones we love, but as the family agreed, we took this time together to celebrate her life and her memory and she will always be in our hearts.

We got to spend some extra time with our niece Abby who has grown so much since we last saw her the week of our wedding

Abby with her Grandpa Tom

Justin, Jason, and Mike

Mike with Nathan (cousin Jamie's son)

We stopped by for some breakfast at "The Cracker Barrel"

Cousin Jamie's daughter, Isabelle who is such a sweetheart!

The Bridges and Trainor Ladies

With Grand-Aunt Ruthie, Grandma Mame's sister

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend, 2009

Mike with Teegan

Payton Jean (6 months)

Beau (2 months)

We spent the weekend with the Kenney Family whose little girls are getting so big, so fast. On Saturday we meet them at Seaport Village and enjoyed another beautiful day in San Diego with chocolate chip cookie treats. Sunday we went to the Kenney's house for a carne asada potluck BBQ. Teegan was her silly self and is learning the smile that goes with "cheese!" Their youngest, Payton Jean is 6 months old and just recently learned to sit up on her own. We also got to meet Shana's newest addition to her family, her little boy, Beau, who is so cute and ohhh so sweet.