Monday, April 26, 2010

30 Weeks!!

I've been fighting a cold this weekend so I feel like my eyes and face are puffy in this belly bump picture!

April 25, 2010 Belly Bump at 30 weeks and 5 days

Padres - Up Close and Personal!

I was given a pair of Padres tickets for a "job well done!" So Mike and I went to the game on Tuesday and had a great time!  The tickets were "Sony home plate club" tickets right up front and were accompanied by an all you can drink bar and 2 all you can eat restaurants - one was a gourmet buffet style and the other was more casual ballpark food and desserts!... needless to say, we ate at both and had a great time!

Our tickets... $325 each

Appetizers at the bar

At the game

Enjoying the food!

No one seated in front of us to block our view!

Last week in the twenties... 29 Weeks

It feels like it was just yesterday when we were surprised how fast the "teen" weeks came and now we're at the end of the "twenties!"  Time is flying by and everything continues to go well.  The baby is moving al the time and I describe it as "little earthquakes" inside my belly.

April 19, 2010 - 29 Weeks and 6 Days

Sunday, April 11, 2010

28 Weeks

It's amazing looking back from when we were 20 weeks along to now and seeing how much has changed!

Baby Bump at 28 weeks and 5 Days, April 11, 2010

Sean and Angela's Wedding

April 10, 2010

On Saturday, we attending Sean and Angela's wedding at the United Methodist Church.  The bride looked stunning and everything came together beautifully.  The reception was held at "The Prado" in Balboa Park where they had a dessert table and candy bar for give aways - my favorite!  Mike also got to see a lot of his ol' buddies from his hometown and this was by far one of the funnest weddings we've attended.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Easter!

April 4, 2010

Bautista Mom and Dad are vacationing in the Philippines so it was up to the girls and me to celebrate Easter this year.  We had a lovely day and went to church at St. Therese of Mount Carmel with Joanne and then met with Kim and Scoopes at PF Changs for a nice lunch. 

Third Trimester!

March 30, 2010
Baby Bump - 27 Weeks

Entering the third trimester!  Everything continues to progress nicely... still feeling good and growing on schedule! 

Happy 1st Birthday Payton Jean!

March 28, 2010

Peyton Jean - the youngest of the Kenney family turned 1 this weekend and it was a great party! Mike helped cook the hamburgers and hot dogs and Jamie and I compared "belly bumps!"  Happy Birthday Pey-Pey!