Monday, August 23, 2010


Shane smiling with his "Auntie Mommy!"

Shane and Auntie Joanne

All smiles in his bouncy seat!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Three Women and a Baby!

Grandpa Tom and Grandma Bev visit Aug 2010

Shane got a visit from Grandpa Tom and Grandma Bev so he's been busy!  We had such a blast and can't believe how fast time went.  During their visit, we were able to have a little family and friends BBQ by the pool and I got in the water for the first time in over a year!  We also did a crab and shrimp fest which was yummy!  We went to Sea Port Village, the Gliderport, Torrey Pines golf course where we had a nice lunch at the TP Lodge, Old Town for a nice dinner, and Sea World!  We miss them already and are looking forward to their next visit.

Our trip to Sea World while the Bautista family babysat Shane

Shane's first "hoodie sweater" from Grandma and Grandpa Bridges (at the pool)

a "Crab Hut" dinner! Shrimp, Crab, Sausages, Sweet Potato Fries - Yum!

View from the Gliderport (Torrey Pines)

The Three Generations of Bridges

Friday, August 13, 2010

My new favorite dessert...

Last week, when Mike's mom and John were here to visit Shane, my mom made some macaroni salad for a side dish for dinner.  She puts pineapples in it and ever since I was little, I always took them out because I have this thing about eating cooked fruit!  Mike's mom asked if there was pineapple in the salad and I said "yes," and I take them out!  So she asked me if I liked things like blueberry pies, or cobblers and I said "not particularly because I'd have a lot of scraping to do!"  I'm not the one who would eat a "Hawaiian burger" because I don't like the idea of crunching down on a hamburger patty and then getting a taste of a tangy but sweet pineapple slice - no thanks!  Every Thanksgiving when I get a slice of apple pie, I always take out the apples and maybe save one on the side and eat it with the melted sugar and buttery inside with the crust and a scoop of ice cream!

Well, last Wednesday, my family came over to greet Dad and Bev and brought over some yummy pizza, salad, and bread sticks and Bev baked a blueberry cobbler for dessert and served it with vanilla ice cream... it was DELICIOUS!  I would have skipped the entire dinner just to make room for more!  But it was the best thing I have had in a really, really long time.  It had just the right texture, it was soft with a pecan crunch and just the right amount of butter and sweetness to make it delightful!  So... after that treat, it turns out that I do like cobbler after all and I don't hate all cooked fruit - so long as it has the right balance!  I asked her for the recipe and can't wait to try making it!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Picture Project

I have been wanting to put more pictures up on our walls for a while now but could never make the time to do it.  On Tuesday, I finally got some pictures printed and picked out the frames I really like with the clear background and asked Mike to help me put my "picture project" on the wall and I'm really happy with the way it turned out!

Shane - 7 weeks

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Favorites

 Eating with Daddy

Asleep and content after a good feeding!

Cozy and comfy with Mommy


One Year Anniversary

July 25, 2010

It's amazing how fast a year flies by... especially after being pregnant and after the birth of Shane Mikey!  We celebrated our one-year wedding anniversary by asking the Bautista family to babysit Shane so that we could have some dinner at Top of the Market.  We were a little disappointed with our dinner because they changed the menu, but agreed that it was nice to go out - just the two of us and celebrate.
Mike got me some flowers to wish us a "Happy Anniversary!"