Sunday, September 13, 2009

Celebrating the Memory of Grandma Mame

We flew out to Massachusetts on Thursday, September 9th to attend the memorial services for Mike's Grandma Mame. The services were beautiful and we had the memorial reception at the "Delaney House" where the families were able to get together and catch up. It's always hard letting go of the ones we love, but as the family agreed, we took this time together to celebrate her life and her memory and she will always be in our hearts.

We got to spend some extra time with our niece Abby who has grown so much since we last saw her the week of our wedding

Abby with her Grandpa Tom

Justin, Jason, and Mike

Mike with Nathan (cousin Jamie's son)

We stopped by for some breakfast at "The Cracker Barrel"

Cousin Jamie's daughter, Isabelle who is such a sweetheart!

The Bridges and Trainor Ladies

With Grand-Aunt Ruthie, Grandma Mame's sister

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