Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bump... Flutters!... and More...

January 30, 2010
The "bump" has definitely made its debut!  It feel's like we're growing a little more each day and the maternity pants are finally starting to fill in.  His little movements that feel like "flutters" we first started to feel at 16 weeks, are also getting stronger!

Belly at 18 and a half weeks
(Thanks to my incredibly patient twin sister who is always willing to take my belly-bump pictures for me!)

  • WHAT I CRAVE THE MOST: Grapefruit... Grapefruit... and more Grapefruit!
  • WHAT I CAN EAT ANYTIME: Pasta - anything with noodles sounds good
  • WHAT SMELLS ICKY: Seafood - except grilled fish
  • WHAT'S GETTING HARDER: Climbing up stairs
  • WHAT I LOVE: Feeling the lil' guy move throughout the day and watching my belly grow!
  • WHAT I MISS: Sleeping on my back, eggs cooked over-medium, and my selection of work pants!
  • WHAT'S NOT FUN: The on-again, off-again little headaches that come throughout the day
  • WHAT I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT RIGHT NOW: My Snoogle body pillow!
  • WHAT HASN'T CHANGED: My workouts during lunch
  • WHAT'S KIND OF FUNNY: People rubbing my belly!

Monday, January 25, 2010

18-Week Dr.'s Appointment

January 25, 2010

We had our 18 week appointment today with Dr. Goodwin and it went very well.  She told us that the first and second trimester blood tests came back negative of any risks!  Yey!!  We also got to listen to the baby's heartbeat again which is nice and strong.  Everything looks good and we are scheduled for our fetal anatomy ultrasound next week where we get more pictures and will also find out specific measurements and size of our baby.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

After a Week of Rain...

January 24, 2010
It has been raining non-stop in "Sunny San Diego" for the past week... Poor Lucy has been dying to play some ball at the park but it's completely flooded and probably will be until the end of the week.  We went on our weekend walk to Robeks and took Lucy with us.  She was able to play in an unoccupied field and ran around... and jumped in a puddle to cool off!  We took her home and gave her a bath... Here she is all cleaned up and ready for a nap!

Happy Birthday Joanne!

January 23, 2010

Joanne's birthday is on January 21st but we waited until the weekend to get together.  Traditionally, we have been going to Hunter's Steakhouse for her birthday so we went there to celebrate and enjoyed fun and delicious dinner with the family.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Winter at the Beach...

January 9, 2010

On Saturday, We drove up to Vista to hang out with the Kenney family.  The two Mike's went surfing at Tamarack Beach and Karen and I took the girls to the park then took them to the beach.  When the guys were done surfing we went to Fidel's for some Mexican food.  We always have a great time with the Kenney's and their three beautiful girls!  I wish I brought my camera with me, but here are some shots at the beach from my phone.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We're having a... BOY!!!

January 7, 2010
We went to a 4D ultrasound specialist yesterday and found out that we’re expecting a BABY BOY!  We got to listen to the baby’s heartbeat which is 154 beats per minute (normal range120-160) so he’s nice and healthy.  We also got to see the baby’s profile and were told that he's perfect with a cute nose and lips!  During the 4D ultrasound, the baby had his hands covering his face and his legs were kicking above him.  They told us that he has long legs and nice long fingers.  At 15 weeks our baby measures about 5 inches long.      

Above is a zoomed in profile with the arrow pointing at the brighter white area as his "unit!"


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Chargers v. Redskins Game

January 3, 2010

Mike got a call from one of his buddies at work saying that he knew someone who had 4 extra tickets to the Chargers v. Redskins game.  It was a little last minute but couldn't pass up the opportunity since the tickets were free and Mike's Redskins were in town!  So, we invited our friends Karen and Mike to join us and had amazing seats - Club level, row 1 and found out that each ticket was worth $260 each!  We had a great time and are so glad we decided to go!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe another year has come and gone so quickly.  We went through a lot of new and exciting things and have many memories to take with us... 

In the beginning of the year, Mike endured a new daytime schedule while student teaching and found this experience to be both challenging and fun as it gave him a real taste of teaching as a full time job. 

In April, we decided to upgrade to a larger unit within our complex and love our new place!  We are spoiled with a larger kitchen, extra bedroom, and cozy fireplace.  In May we felt that it was time to sell the sports coupe and get a larger car, so we got the 2009 Honda Pilot and love the extra space and the convenience it added to grocery shopping!  We tied the knot in July and got to spend 10 wonderful days with Mike's side of the family who visited from the east coast.  We were very spoiled with the company and miss the family gatherings at the pool.  We enjoyed our honeymoon in Maui and Oahu 3 days after the wedding and can't wait to take another vacation!

We celebrated Mike's grandma Mame's life and memory during her memorial service in September.  Although it was very sad to see her go, it was very nice to meet the rest of the Bridges family and spend a few days with them in Massachusetts.   In October, Mike finished his credentials program!  And we also found out that we were expecting during a doctor's visit on October 20th!  November brought some sad news as we had to put Duke, our family dog of 14 years to rest... but he will always be a part of us!  After a couple of interviews at a Charter school, Mike landed an interview with another local middle school and they liked him so much, they hired him on the spot and he will have his own 8th grade Science class starting January 4, 2010!  We celebrated a wonderful pre-Thanksgiving dinner with the Bautista side of the family the week before.  Then we shared the baby news with Mike's mom's side of the family in Irvine on Thanksgiving Day and got to see his cousin Susie who is also expecting and due in March.  December was a great month with lots of family time.  We had a wonderful Christmas and were very blessed with the generosity of our families!

Can't wait to start making new memories for 2010 and wish everyone love, joy and happiness throughout the year!

Second Trimester

December 30, 2009: At 14 weeks, we are now in the second trimester and the baby is about the size of a lemon.  We had our doctor's appointment today and it went very well.  Unfortunately, no new ultrasound pictures this time, but we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat which is nice and fast!  The nurse said that the "swooshing" sounds in between hearing the sound of the heartbeat is the baby moving and it is very active!