Monday, June 7, 2010

Baby Bump at 9 months (36 weeks)

36 weeks and counting... we're almost there!  I feel like my body has experienced a sudden increase in temperature and it heats up really fast.  I'd like to blame it on the beautiful sunny weather we've had here the last couple of days... but my thoughts are that its from my ever-increasing belly!  This week when I went with my older sister to the mall, the sales associate at Nordstrom said "wow- you're ready to pop!"  I laughed and said "I sure am!"  But I love having my little guy move around and grown inside me and I'm not ready for it to be over so soon!

Last weekend, the Kenney's recommended a baby book for us to get and read before the little guy gets here called "On Becoming Baby Wise."  We started reading it and I wish we had gotten it a lot sooner because we LOVE this book and I think it will be the most helpful one we've read.

Although it was fun reading about all the little things you may or may not experience during your pregnancy, the really challenging thing for me to wrap my hands around was the idea of how to be a good mom and dad to a newborn and this book gives a great idea of how to make that happen... starting with family and the mother and father's relationship playing the most important role, to establishing a feed/wake/sleep cycle that will get babies into a routine and sleeping through the night before he's 2 months old!  We're hopeful that we can follow the book's advice and make for a really good nighttime sleeper! So, to all my friends who are expectant mothers, or to those who plan on having more, or having any one day... the book "On Becoming Baby Wise" is a very wise choice!

Baby Bump picture at 36 weeks, 6 days (June 7, 2010)

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