Friday, August 13, 2010

My new favorite dessert...

Last week, when Mike's mom and John were here to visit Shane, my mom made some macaroni salad for a side dish for dinner.  She puts pineapples in it and ever since I was little, I always took them out because I have this thing about eating cooked fruit!  Mike's mom asked if there was pineapple in the salad and I said "yes," and I take them out!  So she asked me if I liked things like blueberry pies, or cobblers and I said "not particularly because I'd have a lot of scraping to do!"  I'm not the one who would eat a "Hawaiian burger" because I don't like the idea of crunching down on a hamburger patty and then getting a taste of a tangy but sweet pineapple slice - no thanks!  Every Thanksgiving when I get a slice of apple pie, I always take out the apples and maybe save one on the side and eat it with the melted sugar and buttery inside with the crust and a scoop of ice cream!

Well, last Wednesday, my family came over to greet Dad and Bev and brought over some yummy pizza, salad, and bread sticks and Bev baked a blueberry cobbler for dessert and served it with vanilla ice cream... it was DELICIOUS!  I would have skipped the entire dinner just to make room for more!  But it was the best thing I have had in a really, really long time.  It had just the right texture, it was soft with a pecan crunch and just the right amount of butter and sweetness to make it delightful!  So... after that treat, it turns out that I do like cobbler after all and I don't hate all cooked fruit - so long as it has the right balance!  I asked her for the recipe and can't wait to try making it!

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