Monday, September 20, 2010

Chargers Opening Game!

September 19, 2010

On Thursday, I was chatting with our IT manager when one of the other EA's walked by looking for a co-worker.  I asked if she needed something from me and then she said "do you want to go to the Chargers game on Sunday?"  So without even thinking twice about it, I gladly said "yes!"  She brought back the tickets and they were Club Level and really great seats!  But before getting too excited, I had to make sure we had a babysitter to watch Shane.  I have to admit, now that I'm back to work... I felt a little guilty for taking a few more hours out of the weekend to enjoy the game... but knowing that he's in good hands with his Aunt always makes that transition a little easier and we had a really good time.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Shane - 11 weeks today!

 Shane with his alligator from Grandpa and Grandma Bridges

Shane and Mommy before going to a house-warming party

Shane and Daddy hanging out

Pleasant dreams!

September 3, 2010

We have been busy the last couple of days.  Over the past weekend, we attended a house-warming party and had a good time.  Mike started work on Wednesday (Sept. 1st) and has been busy prepping for the coming school year.  Shane and I got to visit his classroom and help him with a few things to make his classroom nice and neat!  

Shane also had his 2 month check up on September 1st and is measuring 24 1/2 inches and weighs 13 pounds and 11 ounces - almost double his weight at birth and is at the 90th percentile for both weight and height!  They say it's from his mommy's milk!  The doctor said that everything looks good, and that Shane has the head control of a 3 1/2 - 4 month old so he's ahead of his game!  Since Mike had already started work again, he had to meet us for Shane's appointment at the doctor's office.  As soon as he said "hello" to Shane who was in his cars seat, Shane immediately started cooing and all the nurses at the front desk stopped what they were doing and watched and were in absolute awe at how cute he is and how much he was trying to talk to his daddy!  Shane is 11 weeks today and is such a treat with his smiles, laughs, and coo's and still has his blue eyes :)