Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas!

 December 25, 2010

This was the most special (and longest) Christmas ever!  We started off with Christmas Eve lunch and migrated to a family friends house and celebrated into early Christmas morning.  Then we had the family over for breakfast and opened presents!  It was such a treat to watch Shane grab for all the Christmas decor and presents.  He needed a little help opening them all but wanted to play with each of his toys right away!  Shane was very "spoiled" this year and got lots of toys and clothes and my favorites -  really cute keepsake ornaments to celebrate his first Christmas.

White Elephant Gift Exchange, Ugly Outfit Contest, Secret Santa, Family Feud and Pictionary Games!

Everyone loved our little Reindeer!

Day after Christmas... enjoying all the presents!

Friday, December 17, 2010


As the year comes to an end...  I'd like to recap on the things of which I am grateful for, and think ahead about my New Years resolutions...

God and his presence in our lives... his blessings, his love, and his guidance.
Our awesome son Shane, who is happy, healthy and the best thing ever!
My parents who give us their unconditional love and support.
My sisters - for loving our son (and shopping!) as much as I do.
My best friend Amy... who even though is thousands of miles away, is still the first friend I'd call.
 My other great friends who know me, accept me, and care for me.
Our lovely house we are making our home.
My job, the company I work for, and my super cool boss.
The food, clothes, and things we own.
For my health and the motivation to eat, live, and be healthy.
For the second chances we have to turn things around.
The opportunities to do more and be more.
For young children - who bless our lives with their innocence.
The soldiers and their families who sacrifice their lives.

My New Years Resolutions

1. Workout harder and eat healthier.
2. To accept (some) things for what they are.
3. To work harder to forgive and forget.
4. To learn how to relax.
5. To take a step back, even if I'm right.
6. To keep my closet organized!
7. To focus on buying things I need, and not just want.
8. Spend more time volunteering.
9. To leave my fingers alone and stop biting and picking at them.
10. To do a better job keeping in touch with friends.

Shane and his Great Grandma

On November 9th, my grandma Bautista came to meet Shane for the first time. She was very excited to meet one of her newest great-grandson.  She celebrated her 82nd birthday on Thanksgiving and looks great.  I'm really happy Shane got to finally meet her!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our Christmas Card Picture

Last Saturday we asked my sister to take our picture for our Christmas cards again this year... she has taken the last three for us... announcing our engagement, then the news of our pregnancy with Shane, and now this one - our first family Christmas card!