Monday, May 31, 2010

The Nursery

May 31, 2010

Mike and I decided to end our long weekend by finishing up some loose ends with the nursery and finish a few other baby "to do's."  We went to Babies R Us and bought the rest of the items off our registry that we wanted.  We also washed a lot of the baby's clothes that we had, put contact paper in the dresser, and put things away and Mike put up the monkey pictures we got at one of our baby showers.  We also set up the crib with the mattress and sheet set which looks adorable!  We still have a little shelving to put up and over the rocking chair and then we're all set!   

 Mike putting the Monkey pictures up

Our baby crib

Changing Table and Mike's collection of Monster Trucks for our little boy

The Perfect "Bringing Baby Home" Outfit

Grandma Bautista and Auntie Joanne went shopping this weekend and picked out a "bringing baby home outfit."  We had planned to pick one out in the next couple of days but they beat us to it and I was so excited to see it.

On Saturday when we visited mom and dad's before watching the UFC fight at my Aunt's house, they presented us with the cutest outfit ever - and to no surprise, it's not just any ordinary outfit, but a Ralph Lauren one!  Grandma Bautista said that her grandson would be coming home in style and when Auntie Joanne asked "what if the mom gets mad?"  She kindly replied "That's okay, Grandma overrules the mom!"  Those two are terrible together but I thought it was the sweetest thing and delighted with their choice.  When Mike teased me and said "not even born and already creating a monster" I replied and said "not me - it's his Grandma and Auntie!"

Thanks Mom and Joanne for thinking of us and dressing our first born in style! 
The Ralph Lauren logo, golf clubs, sail boats, and tennis rackets... it's perfect!

35 Weeks

We're at 35 weeks and a little over a month to go and it's going quick!  We had a doctor's appointment earlier in the week and the doctor says everything is going great.  We are measuring right on target which is 35 cm and they say weight gain and the baby's heart rate is perfect.

Other then that, I've been feeling pretty good considering the challenge it's become to get a full-nights worth of sleep with the ever-increasing belly!  Clothes are really starting to become a slip pick in the closet but I remind myself that if the baby comes on time, my belly only has one to two more more inches to grow!

Baby Bump at 35 weeks, 6 days
May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

May 28-30, 2010

Friday night was Mike's last night working at Rock Bottom!  Hooray - the end of an era.  Rock Bottom has been very good to us, especially with the flexibility with Mike's schedule and the extra cash was nice to be able to save for this coming summer, but we both couldn't be happier that it's over... no more late nights - or should I say early mornings (him coming home at 3:00am) of worrying!  It's a great feeling to put a end to that chapter of our lives and begin a new one.

Saturday - We got some breakfast at Ihop and I tried the new pancake cheesecake stackers and they are delicious!  I would definitely get them again and recommend them to anyone who loves both cheesecake and pancakes.  Later that day we went down to a family friend's house in Eastlake and watched the Jackson v. Evans UFC fight.

Sunday - We met up with the Kenney family and joined them at the Vista Strawberry Festival where Karen and Kyla ran a mile race.  Mike and I shared and sweet Italian sausage and a strawberry nutella crepe - yum!  Mike also joined Karen and Kyla ride the swing ride while Mike Kenney, the girls and I got to hang out and cheer them on. 

Karen and Kyla after the race

Mike with Payton (14 months)

Mmmmm.... hot dogs!

On the swings

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Baby Dresser Project Part I

May 23, 2010

This was a busy weekend for us.  On Friday night, I met with my parents and had dinner with them at CPK and it was yummy!  They also helped me pick out a few things to put in my hospital overnight bag like my nightgown and robe.

Saturday, we did a few things around the house and then headed down to my parents.  We had lunch together at Yokozuna's which was a nice treat and then spent some time with them at the house and picked up some food for dinner and before we knew it, it was past 9pm!

On Sunday we treated ourselves to dinner at Rubios and started our baby dresser project.  My parents still had my original baby dresser/changing table at their house and offered it to us to repaint and refinish.  It's still in great shape, just needed a little color update - as you can tell, it's from the 80's!  But we thought it would be special to be able to tell our little boy that the dresser/changing table we used for him was the same one "mommy used when she was a baby!"  It ended up being a really fun project.  We're not done yet, but got the drawers painted and one side of the dresser.  Part II will include finishing the other sides of the dresser and adding the new fixtures we bought.
Original Dresser

Getting ready to sand it down


Drawers are painted and drying
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Stay tuned for Baby Dresser Part II

8 and a half months...

We are at 8 and a half months and time is really starting to fly.  I have two more weeks left of work and then I'm on maternity leave!  Yey!  I love my job but its become a real challenge to run around the office and do everything I'm used to doing the last couple of weeks but I'm hanging in there.

It'll be nice to have some time off before the baby comes to take care of the little things like washing all the baby clothes and blankets we got and arranging the baby room.  I'd also like to make the house spotless because I know there won't be much time to do all the "spring cleaning" once he arrives.  Nonetheless, we are very excited for his arrival and are counting down the days!

Baby Bump at 34 weeks and 5 days
May 23, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

33 Weeks and Baby is Positioning

White: 30 weeks, Blue: 31 weeks, Black: 32 Weeks, Pink: 33 weeks

I've been so fortunate that my experience with my first pregnancy from 12 weeks to about 31 weeks has been what I can call a "breeze" in comparison to stories of other pregnant ladies that I've heard... I didn't have the long-lasting nausea, my hands and feet didn't swell, I was still able to do everything in my normal routine and I often didn't even feel like I was pregnant because I was so lucky it was all coming so easy.

My, how things seem to change overnight!  Now that we're at 33 weeks and don't have much time left until the baby comes, I can feel that the baby has definitely "dropped" and is starting to position in preparation for delivery - and it is not very comfortable!  His little movements have also gotten so much stronger that last couple of weeks that I start confusing them with the Braxton Hicks contractions I've been experiencing.  It's funny because when Mike got home from working the other night, I gave him a hug and the little guy was kicking up a storm and Mike felt the jolts against his stomach and said "hey, stop kicking me!"  I tried to say that he was "hugging him" but Mike said "no, I know where his hands are, and those are his little feet kicking me!"  I guess the baby didn't like getting squished - it was really cute.
Ohhh.... how I also miss a full nights sleep!  Very recently I've had to get up at least once in the middle of the night to make a trip to the bathroom now that there is added pressure to my bladder!  It's also been very hard to get comfortable throughout the night, despite my maternity pillow because of the increased weight and all the pressure I feel with every slight turn.  So when everyone's "advice" to me is "sleep as much as you can now, before the baby comes!" My question is "how???!?" 

Last tid bit about this week... people at work ask almost every week if the shirt I'm wearing is "maternity" and I can happily say that I actually haven't had to invest in any maternity shirts.  I've been lucky to just get a size larger than I used to wear, or some of the shirts that I have in my closet just happen to still fit!

Baby Bump at 33 weeks and 5 days - May 16, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Celebrating Mother's Day!

Mother's Day was extra special this year... I never used to pay too much attention in the past but this year it felt so wonderful hearing all the lovely commercials dedicated to honoring mothers and all the special things they do for us not only reminding me of how special my mom is to us, but in thinking of all the great things motherhood brings and what I get to look forward to!

I also got an E-card from Dad and Bev that was adorable - with little kids expressing all the little things kids look to their mommy's to take care of!  And during our Mother's Day dinner, I got some very touching cards from my mom and sisters - thank you for making it so special!  Mike honored the celebration of my first Mother's Day by getting me a pot of flowers and a lovely card!

My first Mother's Day flowers and card from Mike!
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We celebrated a Mother's Day dinner on Saturday to beat all the crowds and took mom to PF Changs.  We had a lovely dinner and enjoyed some yummy dessert.  Happy Mother's Day again Mom - thank you for everything... you're the best!!

8 Months!

It's hard to believe we are 8 months along!  That means anywhere from 6-8 weeks left if the baby decides to come a little early or right on schedule.  It feels like just the other day, we were only 6 weeks along and sharing the news with our immediate family and still had 8 months left and now its the complete opposite!

Baby Bump at 32 weeks and 6 days - May 9, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

4-D Pictures of our baby boy!

May 6, 2010

We had a 4-D ultrasound done today and brought the whole family with us to watch.  Our little guy was awake but liked to snuggle and cover his cute little face with his hands and feet.  We found out that he weighs 4 pounds and 13 ounces and measures about 2 weeks ahead of his due date!  We got some really good images and a DVD of him moving around - it was a really neat experience and we can't wait to meet him!
All snuggled up

 His adorable little foot

 His eyes are open!

Our smiling baby!
Grabbing onto his little foot!

Baby Bump 31 Weeks

At 31 weeks, the baby weighs approximately 3 1/2 pounds and is estimated to be about 18 inches long.  The real estate in my belly is definitely getting a lot more crowded and I can feel him resting against my ribs - mostly on the right side.  I'm definitely getting a lot more winded with less room for my lungs to expand and the extra weight is starting to take a toll on my feet and back at the end of the day.  We love watching the little guy move around though - like little "earthquakes" in his own world!

Belly Bump at 31 weeks and 5 days (May 2, 2010)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Family Baby Shower

May 1, 2010

My mom and sisters threw us a baby shower at our pool and we had a wonderful time!  It was so nice to see a lot of our friends that we don't get to see very often come and celebrate with us.  The weather was perfect and our friends and family really spoiled us!  We couldn't have asked for more!

A Family Photo!  
(Picture courtesy of Jessica Johnson - thank you!)

With the girls!  The soon-to-be "Gramma" and "Aunties!"
(Picture courtesy of Jessica Johnson)
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 All the yummy food!
Mike with his family from Irvine

Mike Kenney measured his own belly and was centimeters from my belly! (His is still bigger!)

Cutting the cake

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We lost track of time during the shower and didn't get a chance to open presents at the pool... so we had the family over the following day and opened presents with them!