Sunday, May 23, 2010

8 and a half months...

We are at 8 and a half months and time is really starting to fly.  I have two more weeks left of work and then I'm on maternity leave!  Yey!  I love my job but its become a real challenge to run around the office and do everything I'm used to doing the last couple of weeks but I'm hanging in there.

It'll be nice to have some time off before the baby comes to take care of the little things like washing all the baby clothes and blankets we got and arranging the baby room.  I'd also like to make the house spotless because I know there won't be much time to do all the "spring cleaning" once he arrives.  Nonetheless, we are very excited for his arrival and are counting down the days!

Baby Bump at 34 weeks and 5 days
May 23, 2010

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