Saturday, July 10, 2010

Shane - First Few Weeks

It's hard to believe our little Shane is already 3 weeks old!  Time is flying and he sure is growing fast!  Here's a recap of the first three weeks:

Week One: We transitioned from it being "just the two of us" to the three of us very quickly.  Shane ate, sleep, and pooped like a champ! We had one rough day of feeding, but after going to a breast-feeding support group, he's been doing great!  As I mentioned in a previous post though, he lost about 9 ounces of his birth weight - which is typical for all newborns.

Week Two: Shane has gained all of his birth weight plus an ounce back and also grew 2 inches.  Hooray!  He's still eating and sleeping great and also took a quick visit to my office after we got him weighed at his doctors, and everyone loved him!  Mike and I have been learning how to get into a routine and are figuring what works best.  With my semi-home-bound limitations when I'm feeding Shane, Mike has been so great with the up-keep of our place and meal-errands, and cooking for us!  We joke and say that we don't need help with caring for the baby, but we need a house-keeper to help around the house!

It's amazing though, how you learn almost overnight how to get ready in less than 5 minutes just so you can go somewhere before the baby notices!  Or how you'll plan out your naps to be every-other-one of his naps to catch up on some sleep, and then do things around the house during his other naps just to keep up.  It has definitely been challenging, but he's worth it!  Shane also celebrated his first 4th of July this week and was so great the entire day!

Week Three: Has just begun... Shane is starting to stay awake longer and his features are slowly changing... he is so precious and we Love him!

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