Sunday, March 21, 2010

25 Weeks and Happy its Spring!

March 16, 2010 - 25 Weeks

At 25 weeks, I am definitely getting more "winded" and doing a lot of physical activity definitely takes its toll and is starting to become more uncomfortable.  Sometimes it feels like my the skin on my belly can't stretch any further but each week proves me wrong as it continues to get bigger and bigger.  Our little guy is even more active than before and we watched my belly move around as baby Bridges tried to get comfortable - so amazing.  We're both looking forward to seeing his little feet and arms poke out!  Now that we're really showing... many people seem to have a lot of similar questions for me:
Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Are you experiencing any sickness
A. No, I didn't have a big appetite for dinner during weeks 6-12 but after that I've been feeling fine and eating just like I did before.

2. How are you feeling?
A. I feel great, thanks!

3. Do you know what you're having?
A. Yes... We're having a BOY!

4. Are you excited?
A. Of course, we're absolutely elated!

5. When are you due?
A. Our due date is June 29th

6. Do you want more kids?
A. Yes - Shooting to have at least 2 more.

7. Do you have any weird cravings?
A. I don't crave anything out of the ordinary... I've always liked food so it's hard to say if anything has changed.

8. Is there anything that you used to like but don't like right now?
A. Yes, I used to love crab legs but haven't had the craving for them since I've been pregnant.

Belly Bump at 25 weeks and 4 Days

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