Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Best Friend Amy...

This post is a little late... but my best friend Amy was in town visiting from Florida on June 26th for a bridal shower and came by our place to visit, meet Shane, and give him a quilt she made for him - she is AMAZING!  Shane was only a week old so he most likely won't remember...but it'll be so nice to tell him when he's older that Aunt Amy came to see him when he was still a newborn and that the quilt he has in his room came from her.  I miss my buddy but it's been so nice to be able to blog together, Skype (which we're due for), email, call, and text. 

Thanks again Amy, for taking the time to make something so special for our little Shane and for coming to see us despite our limitations to go out at stay home-bound during your stay!  We're looking forward to seeing you again in October!

1 comment:

  1. You're very welcome and thank you! I do it because I love you guys and appreciate that you share your memories with me! And yes we are due for skype session :) I miss you too and can't wait until October!
