Tuesday, June 15, 2010

38 Week Doctor's Appointment

June 15, 2010

We had our 38 week doctor's appointment today and it went very well.  Blood pressure, weight, and baby's heart beat are all where they should be!  Dr. Goodwin also checked to see if we've made any progress and it turns out that we're 2 inches dilated and 50 percent effaced which is good to know in case we go into full-labor anytime soon!  Every night I have dreams about being in labor - it's hard to believe that it's just around the corner!


  1. SO SO SO Exciting. Could be anytime. Relax and enjoy. Rememebr if you need anything at all let us know.

  2. Ok, I have added your new blog to my list... should I delete the old one? Anyways... so excited for you. Can't wait to keep up with all the excitement ahead.
