Monday, June 21, 2010

Labor of Love

On Thursday, before Mike got home from work, I started to feel a few contractions and noticed that they were coming a little more often than they had in the past.  When he got home, he joked about it being "today" and I said "I wouldn't be surprised."

As the evening went on, my contractions started to become more frequent so we started timing them.  They started to be consistent around 7:00 pm and were about 7-8 minutes apart then quickly changed to 5 minutes apart by 11:00 pm.  We started to double check our bags to make sure we had everything, cleaned the house up a little and headed to the hospital at around 12:45 am with contractions happening every 2-3 minutes.

When we got to Triage, they did an observation and noticed that the contractions were stable and happening frequently.  They checked to see if we made any progress and we were at 4 cm and almost fully effaced.  We were admitted and I texted the family to let the know.

At around 2:45 am my contractions started to get really intense and the family arrived around 3 am.  Before I knew it, I started to feel the urge to push and they called in the doctor and our labor our love was born on June 18, 2010 at 4:31 am!

In between contractions (hooked up the a baby-heart beat monitor and contractions monitor) the nurses all commented that they couldn't believe I was smiling for some in labor without an epidural!
Shane Michael Bridges
Born: June 18, 2010 at 4:31am
7 pounds 10 ounces, 19 inches long

First Family Photo with Shane

Shane with Mommy

with Daddy

with Grandpa Sonny

with Grandma Lulu

with Auntie Rie Rie

with Auntie Joanne


  1. Christine T. SimpsonJune 21, 2010 at 5:17 PM

    Congratulations Anne Marie and Mike!!! Shane is sooo adorable. I can't wait to meet him :)

  2. Congrats!!!!!!!!! So cute... You are like the prettiest pregnant woman about to give birth EVER!
