Sunday, May 16, 2010

33 Weeks and Baby is Positioning

White: 30 weeks, Blue: 31 weeks, Black: 32 Weeks, Pink: 33 weeks

I've been so fortunate that my experience with my first pregnancy from 12 weeks to about 31 weeks has been what I can call a "breeze" in comparison to stories of other pregnant ladies that I've heard... I didn't have the long-lasting nausea, my hands and feet didn't swell, I was still able to do everything in my normal routine and I often didn't even feel like I was pregnant because I was so lucky it was all coming so easy.

My, how things seem to change overnight!  Now that we're at 33 weeks and don't have much time left until the baby comes, I can feel that the baby has definitely "dropped" and is starting to position in preparation for delivery - and it is not very comfortable!  His little movements have also gotten so much stronger that last couple of weeks that I start confusing them with the Braxton Hicks contractions I've been experiencing.  It's funny because when Mike got home from working the other night, I gave him a hug and the little guy was kicking up a storm and Mike felt the jolts against his stomach and said "hey, stop kicking me!"  I tried to say that he was "hugging him" but Mike said "no, I know where his hands are, and those are his little feet kicking me!"  I guess the baby didn't like getting squished - it was really cute.
Ohhh.... how I also miss a full nights sleep!  Very recently I've had to get up at least once in the middle of the night to make a trip to the bathroom now that there is added pressure to my bladder!  It's also been very hard to get comfortable throughout the night, despite my maternity pillow because of the increased weight and all the pressure I feel with every slight turn.  So when everyone's "advice" to me is "sleep as much as you can now, before the baby comes!" My question is "how???!?" 

Last tid bit about this week... people at work ask almost every week if the shirt I'm wearing is "maternity" and I can happily say that I actually haven't had to invest in any maternity shirts.  I've been lucky to just get a size larger than I used to wear, or some of the shirts that I have in my closet just happen to still fit!

Baby Bump at 33 weeks and 5 days - May 16, 2010

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