Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

May 28-30, 2010

Friday night was Mike's last night working at Rock Bottom!  Hooray - the end of an era.  Rock Bottom has been very good to us, especially with the flexibility with Mike's schedule and the extra cash was nice to be able to save for this coming summer, but we both couldn't be happier that it's over... no more late nights - or should I say early mornings (him coming home at 3:00am) of worrying!  It's a great feeling to put a end to that chapter of our lives and begin a new one.

Saturday - We got some breakfast at Ihop and I tried the new pancake cheesecake stackers and they are delicious!  I would definitely get them again and recommend them to anyone who loves both cheesecake and pancakes.  Later that day we went down to a family friend's house in Eastlake and watched the Jackson v. Evans UFC fight.

Sunday - We met up with the Kenney family and joined them at the Vista Strawberry Festival where Karen and Kyla ran a mile race.  Mike and I shared and sweet Italian sausage and a strawberry nutella crepe - yum!  Mike also joined Karen and Kyla ride the swing ride while Mike Kenney, the girls and I got to hang out and cheer them on. 

Karen and Kyla after the race

Mike with Payton (14 months)

Mmmmm.... hot dogs!

On the swings

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