Sunday, May 23, 2010

Baby Dresser Project Part I

May 23, 2010

This was a busy weekend for us.  On Friday night, I met with my parents and had dinner with them at CPK and it was yummy!  They also helped me pick out a few things to put in my hospital overnight bag like my nightgown and robe.

Saturday, we did a few things around the house and then headed down to my parents.  We had lunch together at Yokozuna's which was a nice treat and then spent some time with them at the house and picked up some food for dinner and before we knew it, it was past 9pm!

On Sunday we treated ourselves to dinner at Rubios and started our baby dresser project.  My parents still had my original baby dresser/changing table at their house and offered it to us to repaint and refinish.  It's still in great shape, just needed a little color update - as you can tell, it's from the 80's!  But we thought it would be special to be able to tell our little boy that the dresser/changing table we used for him was the same one "mommy used when she was a baby!"  It ended up being a really fun project.  We're not done yet, but got the drawers painted and one side of the dresser.  Part II will include finishing the other sides of the dresser and adding the new fixtures we bought.
Original Dresser

Getting ready to sand it down


Drawers are painted and drying
.  .  .  .  .  .  . 

Stay tuned for Baby Dresser Part II

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